Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Egyptian Tortoise

My Egyptian Tortoise is a regular on my blog. He is just enjoying sun. plus i simply loved this picture.


  1. What a nice picture :)
    I found your picture in the facebook D60 group!
    Do you really use this camera (D60) to take them?
    And is this the original version or did you adjust the colors with some software (it's just curiosity!)

    I also like most of your other pictures :D

    from Italy

  2. hey thanx.

    i am glad you liked my pictures.

    and yes i take photos from my D60, my very first DSLR.....

    i only crop and adjust contrast a little usually nothing much.

    in this one i only cropped and just adjusted the back lighting here in photoshope thats it....

    and thanx for stopping by and commenting...


  3. Great picture...we want to buy a tortoise too, but some of them get soooo big. Like, you have to let them go in the backyard big. Thanks for posting this one..maybe it's a sign for us!!

  4. well the best thing about the tortoise is that, they are very low maintenance.
    The one i have is egyptian tortoise and it had grown around 1 inch in a year only. its still half the size of my hand.

    you should get one :)
