Monday, April 5, 2010


Its been 2 weeks i guess since i have last posted anything. Well last two weeks have been really crazy, very busy in the office and alot of small tasks at home.

A week ago, my car started making really weird sound. Every time the brakes were pressed there was this sound, getting attention of everyone on the road.

Later on it was discovered brake pads needs replacement. Any way getting that done was a whole project and an opportunity to click and capture something new.

Well i took more then 50 pictures , few selected ones are given below , please comment if you like any or if you have any suggestions for improvement.

The guy was organized upto some extent
Always use genuine spare parts.
All the tools were hanging on the wall and in very systematic manner .
It was night time and the pattern of shadow and light was really interesting.
Mr. Kamran Butt hard at work.
The work shop, i know its small.
There were like 9 or 10 workshops in line, i wonder how they handle the competition.

1 comment:

  1. صالون نسائي تزيين جدة النعيم حي النعيم مشغل نسائي مشاغل صالونات نسائية مراكز تجميل مراكز تزيينبديكور منيكور مكياج عروس خطوبة عناية بالبشرةمساجتنقية بشرةعرائسخطبة صالون نسائي في جدةصالون تزيين في حي النعيمافضل صالون نسائي بجدةصالون تجهيز عروس في جدةصالونات جدة اهم صالونات جدةمشغل نسائي في جدةافضل مشاغل نسائية جدة
